
Routing is a way to map public URLs for a site to specific components declared in your application.

Qwik City uses directory-based routing. This means that the structure of your routes directory drives the public-facing URLs that the user will see for your application. However, it differs slightly from traditional file-based routing, which we will discuss shortly.

Directory-based Routing

Qwik City supports the following filetypes for routes

In the Qwik City routes directory, folder-path plus an index file map to a URL path. For example, if the user sees, the component exported at src/routes/some/path/index (either .mdx or .tsx) will be shown.

└── routes/
    └── some/
        └── path/
            └── index.tsx       #

Note that the leaf file at the end of the route is named index. This is important. In other meta-frameworks you may be familiar with, there is a distinction made between pages and data endpoints or API routes. In Qwik City, there is no distinction, they are all endpoints.

To define an endpoint, you must a define an index.[filetype] where [filetype] can be one of .ts, .tsx, .js, .jsx, .md, or .mdx.

While the following directory structure:

└── routes/
    ├── contact.tsx
    ├── about.tsx
    ├── store.tsx
    └── index.tsx

may work in other meta-frameworks that use file-based routing, Qwik City will not register a route for any non-index files. In Qwik City, the equivalent file structure would look like this:

└── routes/
    ├── contact/
    │   └── index.tsx          #
    ├── about/
    │   └── index.tsx          #
    ├── store/
    │   └── index.tsx          #
    └── index/
        └── index.tsx          #

At first, this may seem like extra work, but there are advantages to this approach. One advantage is being able to define component files in a route directory without them being rendered. Consider the following:

└── routes/
    ├── index.tsx                     #
    └── some/
        ├── index.tsx                 #
        └── path/
            ├── index.tsx             #
            └── other_component.tsx   # this file is ignored and not mapped to any URL because it is not an index.

The other_component.tsx file can be imported and used inside of path/index.tsx, but is otherwise ignored by Qwik City.

Implementing a Component

To return HTML for a specific route you will need to implement a component. For .tsx files the component must be exported as default. Alternatively, you can use .mdx extension discussed later.

export default component$(() => {
  return <H1>Hello World!</H1>;


Qwik City stores route information in files on disk. This is great for developer ergonomics but not useful for creating bundles and chunks. Additionally, in some environments - such as edge functions - there is no file system that can be accessed. For this reason, it is necessary to serialize the route information into a single file. This is done through the @qwik-city-plan import.

import cityPlan from '@qwik-city-plan';

The @qwik-city-plan import is synthetic, meaning that it is created as part of the build step. It contains all of the information in the /src/routes folder in JavaScript format. The synthetic import is provided by the qwikCity() vite plugin available from

Advanced routing

Qwik City also supports:

These are discussed later.

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